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For abstract services


School of Chemistry

The page contains a search form for materials in the journal archive. None of the fields is obligatory, i.e. if you click the "Search" button when the search fields are empty, a page with the text "Search results" will be generated, in which all available articles will be displayed.

A choice of the "Section" will narrow the search criteria to the specified heading, a choice of the "Year" will narrow the search criteria to that year of publication.

When using the search string, specify under the "Search in:" the part of the article in which you want to search (Authors, Title, Keywords, Abstract). Note that if one of the "Search in:" checkboxes is selected, you need to fill in the search string as well (if it is selected occasionally, just refresh the page by pressing F5).

For example,
- To find all the articles in the "Theoretical Chemistry" section, you need to select this section and click the "Search" button;
- To find all the articles for 2010, you need to specify it in the "Year" field, and click the "Search" button;
- To find all the articles in the section "Theoretical Chemistry" for 2010, it is necessary to select the section and year, and press the "Search" button;
- To find all the articles of author Surname (pay attention to the register) in any section for any year, you need to leave the fields "Section" and "Year" empty, select the "Authors" checkbox under the "Search in:", enter the Last name in the field "Search string" and click "Search".
- To find all the articles containing "word" in keywords in any section for any year, you need to leave the "Section" and "Year" fields empty, select the "Keywords" under the "Search in:", enter "word" in the "Search string" and click "Search". It is possible to narrow down the search criteria by specifying a section and/or year of the article. The search criteria can be expanded by typing "ord" or "wor" or "or" instead of "word".

The search results are displayed in a separate page: the authors, the title of the article (which is the link to the full-text pdf-file) and the abstract (as opposed to the Archive of the numbers page, where the abstract appears in the pop-up window when the mouse points the title of the article).



Search in:
Key words

