en ua Editorial Staff
For authors

For authors

Statement on the publication ethics and malpractice
Back issues; open access
Newer issues are on the actual website
For abstract services


School of Chemistry

Instructions for authors

Papers in Ukrainian and English are published. These may be
- invited papers;
- review papers (require preliminary agreement with Editors);
- regular papers (approximately 6-10 pages);
- brief communications.

In preparing the manuscript it is mandatory to keep the statement on the publication ethics and malpractice, which can be found on this web-site and in each issue.

It is desirable (though not obligatory) that each paper includes abstracts in two languages: English and Ukrainian (1800 symbols with spaces).

Style of references accepted in the journal is exemplified via the link. In addition to the usual list of references, the article must contain a second list, all references of which are given in Latin letters. This information should be taken from the websites of the publishers. Only if there is no such information, you should make an independent translation into English. If the original article is published in Ukrainian or Russian, this is indicated at the end of the reference in square brackets: [Rus] or [Ukr]. Articles published in the Bulletin should be cited in the following format: Kharkiv University Bulletin. Chemical Series, 2019, 33, 6-22, https://doi.org/10.26565/2220-637X-2019-33-01 (DOIs have been active since 2017; check the information on the website)

Both lists of references must be completely identical.

For all publications that have DOIs, they should be indicated in both lists in the format.

Please use papers of previous issues as samples when prepare the manuscript. The MS Word format is used. Standard fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Symbol) are preferable. Figures and diagrams are required in .jpg or .png. Figure captions are given separately. All figures, tables and equations are numbered and located where it is needed in meaning. Please use MS Equation Editor or MathType to prepare mathematical equations. The decimal point (not comma) and direct quotes are accepted in the journal. Please avoid any kind of formatting when prepare the manuscript. Page margins: top and bottom - 2.5 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 2 cm.

The editors reserve the right to return to the authors for revision the texts of articles containing a large number of grammatical or stylistic errors before they are sent to reviewers.

Manuscripts may be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief via e-mail.

The editors reserve the right to return to the authors for revision the texts of articles containing a large number of grammatical or stylistic errors before they are sent to reviewers.

The cover letter to the article, corrected in accordance with the comments of the reviewers, must contain answers to all the comments. Final submission is required in *.doc (not *.docx) format; *.rtf is also acceptable.

The proof must be carefully read. Only minor technical corrections may be introduced into it. Substantive changes in the proof-reading are not made.


Only new scientific results are published. Each article is checked for plagiarism. Once the plagiarism is detected, the article is rejected.


Statement on the publication ethics and malpractice

The Editorial Board has been doing its best to keep the ethical standards adopted by the world scientific community and to prevent the publication malpractice of any kind. This policy is considered to be an imperative condition for the fruitful contribution of the journal in the development of the modern network of knowledge in chemistry and boundary fields. The activity of the Editorial Board in this respect is based, in particular, on the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics and valuable practice of world-leading journals and publishers. The submission of a manuscript implies that it contains new significant scientific results obtained by authors that where never published before. Each paper is peer reviewed by at least two independent experts who are completely free to express their motivated critical comments on the level of the research, its novelty, reliability, readability and relevance to the journal scope. These comments are the background for the final decision about the paper. Once the manuscript is accepted, it becomes the open-access paper, and the copyright remains with authors. All participants of the review process are strongly asked to disclose conflicts of interest of any kind (financial, academic, personal, etc.). Any indication of plagiarism or fraudulent research receives extremely serious attention from the side of the Editorial Board, as well as authorship disputes and groundless subdivision of the results into several small papers. Confirmed plagiarism or fraudulent research entail the categorical rejection of the manuscript.

Review process

Only new scientific results are published. The submission of the paper implies that it presents original research, the manuscript has not been published, and is not now under consideration by another journal while it is considered in this journal, all researches made significant contributions had the opportunity to be listed as authors. This is the responsibility of the corresponding author.

Each contribution is first assessed by the editors for suitability for the journal. Papers deemed suitable are sent to two independent experts.

A single blind review process is accepted. Authors generally may suggest referees for their manuscript. The editors, however, are not constrained to these persons. The review process is strictly anonymous. Referee reports are advisory to the editors.

Any resubmittal should be accompanied by a summary of the changes made and a clear concise response to all criticisms and recommendations.

The editors are responsible for the final decision (accept, minor revision, major revision, reject). This decision is made based on recommendations by the referees. In the case of rejection the authors may appeal to the Editor-in-chief.

Publishing agreement. Upon acceptance, the corresponding author will be asked to sign the publication agreement on behalf of all authors. Text of the agreement will be send together with the proof.

Upon acceptance, papers are published as Open Access.

Publication charges. There are no publication charges for this Journal.
